NACSP 1st Anniversary, 16TH July 2013 @ Lamems Hotel, 40 Nkemba Street, Uyo.

Welcome address presented By NACSP President, Hon. Williams Ekposon on the 1st Anniversary of NACSP held at La-Mems Hotel Uyo (Intelligence Command) on the 16th July, 2013.
Prof. Iwarimie Jaja , Grand Patron of NACSP
The President Nigerian society of criminology
My Respected Colleagues and Distinguished Guests
Ladies and Gentle men.
NACSP -The Renascent of Celebrity
We are happy to welcome you all to this gathering of elites whose collective aspiration is to see that Nigeria security project succeed. May I quickly express our profound thanks and appreciation to your highly esteem presence which we consider to be invaluable contribution to our collective resolve, not only to promote, but also to use our professional competence to help our country achieve her transformation security project which would jointly address the twin issue of leadership, career opportunities in our noble organization and share dynamic experience that will enrich our efforts to improve students and security capacity development in Nigeria. It is my sincere pleasure to appreciate your effort as you explode your resources and play host. I’m also proud to carry with me the goodwill of our grand patron and all NACSP members. It gives me warmth feelings to know that the fire of youth responsibility and professionalism is still burning even in the entire nation.
We live in a volatile and capricious world, a world were crime is inevitable. The ever increasing rate of security system break-ins has been a source of concern to many countries, thus maintaining proper security policy, though increasingly difficult has become increasingly important and necessary. Recently, waves of terrorism, militancy, kidnapping, corruption etc, are beginning to spread from countries to countries and thus a proper security approach needs to be adopted by the government. A critical look at this hydra headed monsters is what assembly us today to fashion ways of checkmating most security lapses and fundamental flaws which criminals therefore take advantage of.
A major breakthrough to counter this is the emerging field of criminology and security studies whose membership pursuit is scholastic, scientific, and professional knowledge concerning the measurement, etiology, consequences, prevention, control and treatment of crime and delinquency internationally by providing networking opportunities through which members could exchange ideas, knowledge, methods, advice, education and working assignment using scientific techniques.
The purpose for this meeting of eminent scholars in Criminology in Nigeria is to provide a forum for dialogue on the issue of the way forward for the discipline of Criminology in our country. Added to this, is the issue of giving National Association of Criminology and Security Studies a sense of direction as the organ to contribute most significantly and determine the life course of Criminology in Nigeria. Looking at the state of criminology in Nigeria today.
Criminology has not adequately been formally defined in Nigeria. As criminologists and those interested in this field of study, we have not debated the conceptual issues of what the term ‘Criminology’ would refer to in the Nigerian Context. I believe that this paucity of information in criminology in Nigeria can be eliminated once the National Association of Criminology and Security Studies have been formally stabilize, to provide the forum for such formalized debate. We must note that this cannot be properly and formally actualized in and by any other gathering or organization. We, as criminologists and interested persons in the field of criminology have to come together in a forum and decide what the term criminology means in Nigeria and what theories will support our research endeavours based on our peculiar environment and circumstances, which are often different in many instances from those of other countries, particularly those in the western world.
This is a day of Affirmation – I stand here in the name of liberty, change and future and say behold a child has born to guide us along this discussion, I would like to borrow the words of Eric Hoffer, summarized in the following insightful comment: “In times of change, learners inherit the Earth, while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exist”. And as intelligence based watchdog, we must realize that one of greatest keys to being a hero in the days of change is vision. Robert F. Kennedy once said: some men see things as they are and say, “why?” I dream of things that never were and say, “why not?”
This is true because, “until a man sees the picture of his future he cannot feature in the future” In practical terms, we must begin with the end in mind. Nigeria has gone beyond accepting criminology as a discipline to accepting it, formally as an interdisciplinary science. Nigeria is now a democratic society, and therefore, there is no better time than now, to establish the National Association of Criminology and Security Studies to officially react to matters of criminality or crime, that relate to the concern of social order, and justice in our country; and also to encourage students, teachers, practitioners and researchers in the field of criminology to support scientific, scholarly and practical exchange to aid spread criminological knowledge and as well as perform their duties in accordance with professional ethics and the governing laws of the country.
It is against this backdrop that the first inaugural meeting held at La mems hotel, 40 Nkemba Street, Uyo on 16th July 2012, attended by the Magnificence seven who signed the scroll at 19:40 hours and placed it on Intelligence Cosmic Cell. On the 24th September, 2012 a preterm executive of six members were selected and formed to pilot the Affairs of the Association which lead a delegation to our grand patron and submitted the NACSP proposal to Nigerian society of criminology on 2nd October 2012.
We believe strongly that NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF CRIMINOLOGY AND SECURITY STUDIES will help to promote fundamental principles regarding crime and delinquency, justice and the rule of law in the body polity and to contribute towards the development of a long-term viable and stable, economic utilitarian culture. We believe also that it will enhance and promote the development of academic departments of criminology or justice education in our universities which will influence an increasing number of students who will learn about criminology and play professional roles in our justice system. We also think that it will motivate law enforcement personnel to be more accountable to their duties because students and faculty engaged in locally relevant research activities will assist justice system personnel with research findings on new methods, techniques, and strategies for dealing with crime and delinquency, criminals and delinquents including the victims of these vices.
Therefore, we have implicit confidence that today’s gathering, pragmatic suggestions, strategies and ideas will be proffered by eminent, accomplished and thorough-bred professionals who have been assembled to make lead discussions in the event armed with this new awareness that there is nothing impossible for we are in the season of change, the season for NACSP – The Renascent of Celebrity!
Thank you for listening. God bless NACSP. God bless our beam of hope, our Grand Patron- Prof. Jaja, God bless Federal Republic of Nigeria.
One Nija One NACSP.