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3rd Anniversary

3rd Anniversary

3rd Anniversary of NACSP held at Port Harcourt hosted by Anti-Militia Command, on 16TH July 2015.

Welcome address presented By NACSP President, Williams Ekposon on the 3rd Anniversary of NACSP, held in Port Harcourt Hosted by ANTI-MILITIA COMMAND, on 16th July 2015.

The Grand Patron of NACSP
The President Nigerian Society of Criminology
My Respected Colleagues and Distinguished Guests
Resource Persons
Ladies and Gentle men.

NACSP -The Renascent of Celebrity

On behalf of members of the National Executive Council (NEC) of our Association, I welcome you all with great pleasure to this occasion, the 3rd Anniversary of National Association of Criminology and Security Studies (NACSP). We give glory to Almighty God for journey mercies to all our members and guests who have come from far and near to be part of this historic event.

“Let me use this opportunity to also welcome special guests in our mist, our grand patron and patrons who willingly accepted to be part of this year’s anniversary and who are always poised to contribute selflessly to its format and content. We are indeed very delighted to have you. I am also very elated to announce to this august gathering that the anniversary is being co-hosted by the Anti-militia and Secret Vigilante commands, two units that have come together to prove beyond doubts that a national security expert assembly not only needs to be showcased, but also to be celebrated.

As is customary, we have sought for an Anniversary theme that is topical, relevant, impacts on the lives and concerns of Nigerians, and also has international appeal and fervor. We came up with Contemporary Crimes in Nigeria and Implications on Socio-economic Development: Trends and Policy Issues. This was influenced largely by the trends of terrorism, kidnapping, militancy, financial and electronics crimes etc noticeable, current and severe in the country.

May I quickly express our profound gratitude to your highly esteemed presence which we consider to be an invaluable contribution to our collective resolve, not only to promote, but also to use our professional competence to help our country achieve her transformation security project which would jointly address the issues of security, leadership and career opportunities in our noble organization and share dynamic experience that will enrich our efforts to improve criminology and security capacity development in Nigeria.

Therefore, we gather to strive at professionalism as a community oriented police service (COPS), whose membership pursuit is scholarly, scientific, metaphysical, cultural and professional. Our knowledge concerning the measurement, etiology, consequences, prevention, control and treatment of crime and delinquency by providing networking opportunities through which members could exchange ideas, knowledge, methods, advice, education and working assignment using scientific techniques will form the crux of our gathering if not our existence as a body. NACSP is a brain child of the Nigerian Society of Criminology led by Prof. Darlington Iwarimie-Jaja and Prof. Femi Odekunle and is recognized as a powerful intelligence based watchdog

Moreover, it is noteworthy to state that circumstances have bestowed the need to establish this forum given that National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN) and conventional Universities in Nigeria have given full attention to the scientific study of criminology, Intelligence/security and the pattern of criminal trends in Nigeria including terrorism, militancy, kidnapping, etc. In facilitating the ongoing efforts of the Nigerian government, especially the administration of President Muhammadu Buhari (GCFR), who has given premium interest in security, the Association aims at tackling the problems of insecurity and the endemic nature of corruption in the body polity, through collating crime statistics for both studies and analyses. It is therefore very important, that Nigerian government which the world holds in high esteem for its relentless efforts at sustaining democracy should support and adopt this initiative, and to embark on breeding a new crop of criminologists and intelligent security personnel, whose collective efforts are expected to assuage this ugly trend currently in vogue in most parts of the country.

We would continue to innovate our profession in order to meet the yearnings of Nigerians to enhance and promote the development of academic departments of criminology or justice education in our universities which will influence an increasing number of students who will learn about criminology and play professional roles in the criminal justice system. We also think that it will motivate law enforcement personnel to be more accountable to their duties because students and faculties engaged in locally relevant research activities will assist the justice system personnel with research findings on new methods, techniques, and strategies for dealing with crimes and delinquencies, including the victims of these vices.

Therefore, we have implicit confidence that today’s gathering, pragmatic suggestions, strategies and innovative ideas will be proffered by eminent, accomplished and thorough-bred professionals who have been assembled to make lead discussions in the event armed with the clarion call for National Security.

Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, once again it is my pleasure to welcome you to the 3rd anniversary of NACSP in the Garden City (Anti- Militia Command). I wish you a successful anniversary.

Thank you.

Long Live NACSP .
Long live Rivers State.
Long Live Federal Republic of Nigeria.

Williams Ekposon (MNACSP, MNCS).
NACSP President.

About nacsporg

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